Friday, September 18, 2009

Great Thursday Night Debuts

I'm hoping everyone caught The Office, Community and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia last night (or at least DVRed them). 

The Office started off with a great opening segment with Michael, Dwight and Andy performing their attempts at parkour, which Jim described accurately as a phenomena way past it's prime.  Overall the episode was great when Michael was involved, including his string of "rumors" about everyone in the office.  Particularly funny was Andy's bi-curiousness.  Thankfully, it appears the show hasn't dropped off...yet.

Community was making its premiere tonight and here's the one thing that needs to be taken away from the show.  You can't expect laugh out loud situations as the character development is the driving force for at least a few more episodes.  Give this show some time, I think it has a lot of potential.  I liked the pop culture references (one character being referred to as Slumdog Millionaire, playing Bejeweled on the iPhone) and I believe the supporting cast plays well off each other.  Keep watching...

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is absolutely one of the top 3 comedies on television right now.  The writing and improvisation for this show is amazing and typically their episode plots are topical and relevant.  Last night was no exception when the gang dealt with the housing collapse and Dee attempted to become a surrogate mother.  The best part of the episode was Dennis & Mac becoming the good realtor, bad realtor team of Honey & Vinegar.  This premise alone made me chuckle and seeing it in action truly had me laughing out loud. 

Undoubtedly, Thursday night is the best night of comedy on television and only gets better once 30 Rock returns.  Keep watching people!

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