Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Amazing Race - Season 17

As of this posting, we have only 5 episodes left of this season's edition of The Amazing Race. I've been an avid viewer of the show the past 4 or 5 renditions and while the premise is essentially the same, it's the competitors who you become attached to and end up caring about.

This year has a had a couple great teams, including the father/son team of Michael & Kevin and the laughable A Cappella Ivy league grads, Connor and Johnathan. Both have been eliminated and we are currently left with 6 teams remaining.

So now it's time for predictions!

Here is my submission for the team I want to win and the team I think will win:

Want: Gary and Mallory
Will: Nat & Kat

Remember, CBS, Sunday nights at 8pm EST. Check it out!

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