Monday, June 1, 2009

Lost - Season 5 Finale

The season five finale of Lost was exactly what you’d expect from the show at this point. Several issues were resolved, even more questions were created. The biggest surprise of this finale was discovering more about the mysterious Jacob and how he had interacted with several of the main characters throughout their lives. The episode opened with an interesting dialogue between Jacob and someone we will call Jacob’s nemesis. I won’t spend time breaking down the plot points of the episode, for that visit this amazingly detailed site here.

As far as Lost finales go, this one would probably be the 3rd best. Nothing will top the excitement of the hatch and mystery of the numbers in the season 1 finale and everyone was thrown for a loop with the introduction of the flash-forwards at the end of season 3. The biggest mysteries to contemplate this summer is who really is John Locke, what happened when the bomb finally went off and did things in fact go back to before the first flight crashed?

Quite frankly I am concerned with the direction the show will take as the final season begins. The various plots this show has created in the 5+ years all need to be resolved, and some things haven’t been talked about for several seasons. Here are just a few subjects that need resolution:

* The numbers
* The statue
* The Black Rock
* Jacob’s purpose on the island
* Why doesn’t Richard age
* How does Jack’s father and Claire fit in
* Is Locke really Locke

Lost is undoubtedly my favorite show on broadcast television, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit hesitant about a satisfactory ending to the tale of those on the island. Rarely am I so enamored with a program, so I truly hope for the best. I put my faith to those involved that the conclusion of Lost can match the intensity with which I’ve dutifully watched since season 1.

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